Ex. “travelling to Tanzania”
2. How would you search for something on a specific site?
Use (ctrl F or command F). This isn’t the same as doing a search, this is a find on a specific page. When you hold down (ctrl F or command F) a small toolbar will pop up at the top and you can type in the word that you are looking for on the page.
Ex. ctrl F/command F wanderlust
3. How
would you correctly search for a definition?
Use "define" to identify the meaning of
words. If the word does not appear in traditional dictionaries, use the
dictionary mode.
Ex. define: wanderlust
4. How
would you search for a specific product available within a specific price
If you want to search for a
house in a specific price range use two periods (.) between the minimum and
maximum price.
House for sale 700,000..900,000
5. How
would you search for a specific filetype?
Type in filetype, colon and
then the filetype (PDF, XML, DOC)
filetype: pdf
6. How
would you include or ignore words in your search?
Using the minus sign (-) will
ignore words in the google search. Links that are related to Spiderman will
appear, but not the movie. To include words you add quotations around the word
you want to include.
“Spiderman” -movie
7. How
would you find related pages?
You type in related: (then the
URL address).
related: toughmudder.com
8. How
would you find a topic, searching all available synonyms of a word?
You use ~ in front of the
search term.
Summer ~vacation
9. How
would you find the time in another country?
Type in time and then the
country you want to search.
time Antarctica
10. How
would you find out how many Egyptian pounds you get for $20 Canadian dollars?
Put the word 'in' between the two currency that you want to convert.
Ex. Egyptian pounds in Canadian dollars