Saturday, April 12, 2014

Final Project - Why Use Google?

Why Use Google?

Google is the leading search tool on the Internet today. Not only is it the best web search engine, it also includes features such as image search, map, news and much more. Google is fast, appropriate and the largest single catalogue of web pages made available today. As shown here, this website has a list of top 15 most popular search engines. It is made up of over 60 trillion individual pages and it is constantly continuing to grow bigger and bigger. Google searches the web by crawling. It means that we follow links from page to page. As searchers we sort each page by their content and other factors. All of the contents are kept tracked of in the index which is over 100 million gigabytes. Then, Google write programs and formulas to distribute the top results possible. As we begin to search, algorithms look for clues to get a better understanding of what we mean. This includes different search methods, spelling, auto complete words, phrases or sentences, synonyms and query understanding. Based on all those clues, Google brings up relevant documents from their index. Each result is ranked based on the quality of the site and page, how fresh the page looks, safe search, user context, worldwide search and translation. Every webpage may include spam and Google works hard to fight them to help keep our results relevant to our search. Most of the spam is removed automatically. Every time we type something into the Google search bar, it goes through these steps. What’s even better is that all these steps happen in 1/8th of a second. 

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